DVG America magazine is the official publication of LV/DVG America and is published four times annually. Look for your copy the first month of each quarter!
Article submissions:
Articles are preferred submitted as Word (doc) files. Please don't embed your photos in the file. Send them separately with identifying information about each shot including photographer. You may include captions for each image. All photographs must be of good quality. LV DVG America magazine reserves the right to refuse to use images that do not meet our publishing standards of resolution or quality.
Ads: Please submit electronic files in Adobe PDF format; high resolution files are also accepted in jpg, tiff and eps formats. Please embed all fonts. Please convert all graphics and images to CMYK and save at 300dpi or higher. All advertising is subject to the editor's approval before publication. LV DVG America cannot be held responsible for files that have been formatted incorrectly
For pricing and submission guidelines, click here or contact our Media Representative;
A subscription to the magazine is also available for non-
Remember, the magazine is published quarterly, so you can expect your issue to be delivered in the first month of each quarter.
If you are interested in purchasing an previous issue, please contact the publisher.