Many of you have heard that the LV Board voted to base the 2016 LV election ballot on the slates submitted by the North, Southeast, and West KGs, and may be wondering what happened regarding the Midwest. All on the LV Board wish that a different outcome had been possible.
All of the KG’s provided slates to the LV on or before the December 1 deadline. However, unlike the other 3 KGs, the Midwest KG has very specific language in its bylaws about how it is to develop the slate of candidates it submits to the LV for inclusion on the LV ballot. After the nominations were received by the LV, several MWKG members informed the LV Board of irregularities in the MWKG’s nominating process, indicating that the KG Board may not have followed its bylaws.
The LV Board looked into the situation, indeed finding that the Midwest KG had not followed its own bylaws. Several important deviations called into question the validity of the KG’s slate. The LV Board spent several days looking into what happened and consulted with both an attorney and a registered parliamentarian seeking a solution that would allow the LV to accept the slate.
Unfortunately, all the solutions that were suggested violated the KG bylaws, the LV bylaws, or both.
Once the LV Board came to that conclusion, the KG requested that its slate be accepted anyway, since it followed a procedure used many times before. However, once the LV Board became aware of the violations, both the attorney and the parliamentarian stated that accepting a slate that was nominated in a way that violated the KG’s bylaws would threaten the validity of the upcoming 2016 LV Board election. Thus, the Board reluctantly concluded that it could not accept the slate submitted by the Midwest.
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